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PCDG Annual General Meeting

The Peel Community Development Group is pleased to invite you to attend its Annual General Meeting to hear about our accomplishments over the past year, elect Board members for the coming term, hear from our guest speakers and share afternoon tea.

Date: 14 November 2017

Time: 3pm

Venue: Mandurah Seniors and Community Centre, 41 Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah (located behind Reading Cinemas)

Guest Speakers: Katie Stubley from Centre of Social Impact and Dylan Smith from Fremantle Foundations will provide us with an overview of the exciting Impact Lab initiative.

Please RSVP to

If you would like to nominate to be a Board member please complete the nomination form here and return prior to 7 November 2017.

If you have not yet renewed your membership with PCDG please do so by completing our member survey here.

In preparation for the AGM, PCDG has also been preparing to update its Constitution to ensure compliance with the Associations Incorporation Act 2015.  A draft Constitution is available on our website here.  At the meeting it is intended that the following resolution be proposed as a special resolution:

That the Constitution of Peel Community Development Group (PCDG), in the form presented to the Annual General Meeting by the Chairperson of the Annual General Meeting, be adopted as the Constitution of the Peel Community Development Group in substitution  for and to the exclusion of the PCDG’s existing Constitution.

Summary of proposed new Constitution  

The following items reflect a change of intent from the current Constitution:

4.4 – changed from Peel 2020 to Peel Regional Investment Blueprint to reflect the most current strategy document for the region.

0.4 – Minimum number of other Board members changed from 6 to 4

10.5 – changed from '... the Board must have ...' to 'the Board will seek to...'

11.2 – added:

To be eligible for Board membership the nominee must demonstrate a range of skills and experience as follows:

General Board skills and experience required are:  

  • High level critical thinking, capacity to write, capacity and confidence to present in public
  • Community development expertise and experience
  • Proven community based networks

Nominees also need to demonstrate their capacity to represent one of the following:

  • Community groups
  • Service providers  
  • Local government areas
  • Those who can provide an overarching view of the whole region

The Board Executive Committee will convene prior to the Annual General meeting to confirm the eligibility of nominees as per the abovementioned criteria.  Where a nominee is considered to have not met the criteria they will be contacted prior to the meeting and asked to either withdraw their nomination or provide further information.

11.4 – term changed from one year to two years.

11.7 – added - If more than one member has nominated for a position or there are more nominations than vacant positions, the ordinary members at the meeting must vote with consideration of sub-rule (10.5).  Each member present may vote for one member who has nominated for the position.  A member who has nominated may vote for himself or herself.

11.8 added to - If such nominations from the floor do not exceed the number of vacancies and the Executive consider the skills and experience of the nominees to be suitable the Chairperson must declare those persons to be duly elected as members of the Board.   If more than one member has nominated for a position or there are more nominations than vacant positions, the ordinary members at the meeting must vote with consideration of sub-rule (10.5).  Each member present may vote for one member who has nominated for the position.  A member who has nominated may vote for himself or herself.

14.1 – reduced minimum number of meetings per year from 11 to 6.

14.4 – added - Board members may attend the meeting in person or via telephone or video conference.

16.1 – altered the time to prepare minutes from 14 days to 30 days.

20 – changed to reflect the way in which the PCDG can execute documents given that we do not have a common seal.

22 – this section has been added from the model rules to clearly provide guidance on Financial Matters.